Enigmatic Technologies
A unique approach to increasingly complex challenges
Delivering enigmatic approaches in scientific and management consulting to cultivate high-performance and mindfulness in human endeavors.
Traditional Solutions
Use established research and analytical models
Emphasis on measurable quantities
Assume cause and effect are connected my mechanisms related time and space
Newtonian and classical physics perspective, where humans can be separated from the phenomena observed and analyzed
Enigmatic Technology Solutions
Use existing and emerging research and analytical models
Emphasize human sensing, intuition, and instinct enhanced by artificial intelligence
Are open to the possibility that the mechanisms for cause and effect may not be connected in time and space
Quantum theory perspective, where humans are participants in the phenomena of what is observed and analyzed
Coming Soon:
A space for creating and using enigmatic technologies for researchers, clients, students, and creators. Sign up to get early access!
For the benefit of humanity and life on Earth, promote an understanding and the incorporation of enigmatic technologies into solutions, strategies, and implementation plans addressing a broad array of human, organizational, and ecological challenges.
Solutions that better harmonize humanity's relationship to the planet.